Ever-Changing Reflection

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding... It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.
~ Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I am a runner again!

Just in time for National Running Day, I finally feel like a runner again. I ran the longest run of the year today: 3.1 miles in 35:05 (using a three-minute running, one-minute walking interval). It may not have been fast, and it may not have been too pretty, but I fought tiredness, laziness and doubt, and I went out there and did it -- the second run in two days.

They say you never regret a run you did, and today, I agreed with them. I would have regretted not going out for a run on this running holiday, but I sure did not regret getting out there on the pavement.

I should mention I had more than just a holiday to motivate me; I'm running the Boston Athletic Association 10K on the 23rd, just two and a half weeks away! Yes, and I am just now getting up to a three-mile run. I've given up on a PR, and my goal is just to finish strong and enjoy the race. I plan to do two four-mile runs next week and two five-mile runs the week after, of course with one or two easy one or two-mile runs each week in between.

At least I'm starting to feel strong again. I'm glad to be back to running.

Did you have a good National Running Day? Did you run? How do you handle coming back after a long time off from running or working out?

1 comment:

unknow said...

I really enjoyed your blog Thanks for sharing such an informative post.

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